WorkSCAPE Northwest / Mining Employment Visual Timeline
Dec 1st 11:30am
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  • Speaker: Madge Richardson

WorkSCAPE Northwest is a suite of labour market tools that provides an extensive representation of the labour market in the NSWPB region. It consists of innovative job finding and data tools that support smart workforce and economic development strategies. It aggregates job postings from 40 sources along with a host of community resources, a career pathway explorer and more into one central location that the public can access. WorkSCAPE Northwest will simplify the way people look for work, while also enhancing knowledge of the local labour market by generating timely reports on labour supply and demand data. For more information please visit: WorkSCAPE Northwest – North Superior Workforce Planning Board (

Mining Sector Employment timeline report consists of the latest advanced mining development projects in Northwestern Ontario to provide evidence-based research and identify employment trends in the mining industry, as these projects move towards construction and operation in the next 10 years. This report consists of the projected workforce requirements for the mining sector in Northwestern Ontario. For more information please visit: Research & Reports – North Superior Workforce Planning Board (